Alive Inside!

From Homeless to Home in One Integrated Step

We seek to help those who seek help.

They will go from living in the street through supportive housing to permanent housing with the assistance of one organization and in one cohesive group for added peer support. 

From A to B to C

a) In-depth intake and orientation process (more here) to help ensure a person is ready and willing to take the step from living on the street to enter supportive housing.

b) In supportive housing, the process to get ready for permanent housing will take between 90 days to 180 days. As needed, we will address mental health, drug abuse, health concerns, help with obtaining disability benefits and SSI, and provide job training (more here). 

c) Those who graduate move on into permanent housing.

Our goal is for all of them to find meaning in life, meaningful employment and to be as self-sufficient as possible (more here).

Ready to Begin

We are ready to start with our first group. They currently live in tents on 3rd Avenue in Venice (more about them here). 

Through donations, we were able to purchase new tents for them to stay in. It is their responsibility to keep the area around their tents clean as a first step to accepting responsibility and being reintegrated into society. 

On a volunteer basis, we are here everyday providing guidance, support, and encouragement to help those living here get ready to start a new life of meaning and independence.

People See Hope Again

We see that our approach is working because more and more people from other streets are asking to come live on this block because they see positive change and the real possibility for permanent housing. Please help us to not disappoint them. 

A Model To Be Replicated

Currently, we are in the process of applying for grants to get funding to be able to provide housing to make our vision a reality.

We are looking at 3 different possibilities:

a) A tiny home village (construction plans here)

b) a converted apartment building or motel:

c) convert warehouses into living spaces like the Brewery in LA,

Once we receive a grant, a group of highly qualified and dedicated professionals has already committed to help us support those experiencing homelessness on their journey home.

Many of us have already put in hundreds, if not thousands of volunteer hours to see this project come to fruition because we believe with all our heart that it will succeed.

In Summary

Our goal is to be a model for a “one-stop-shop,” so to speak, from a person experiencing homelessness to enjoying permanent housing, living with hope. 


We welcome questions, thoughts, and suggestions.

Thank you.

~ The Family at Homefree

P.S.: If you like what we do, please sign our petition to Mayor Garcetti to show support and help us receive grant money: