More about Orientation-Orientation Process:

Clients will undergo an in-depth interview before given orientation. These 2 phases, Intake and Orientation, will give program staff insight into each individual’s willingness to commit to program policies, procedures, and rules.


This will be program’s first contact with clients requesting support services at Homefree.

Basic information will be required:

(1) Clear proof of valid ID

2) Full disclosure of past involvement with recovery programs, self-help groups, etc. Reasons for relapse and/or cause for being dismissed/ejected from prior treatment.

4) Clients shall have chance to verbally express reason for seeking treatment and why they are a good candidate for the program.

3) Provide Urine Sample - If client’s urine negative, they get admitted to get services. Second urine test will be taken 14 days after admittance. Clients still testing negative will be allowed review (case conference).

5) Goal Planning for 30 day review.

30 Day Plan — work out objective with case conference team

30 Day Orientation:

Clients will meet with facility staff. Important concepts are visited so clients understand program’s direction, rules, policies, and procedures.

1) Establish program expectations and goals

Clarity is key.

2) Boundaries: personal — physical — emotional — cultural — social.

Clients must understand how important boundaries are for the well-being of all.

3) Health: Wellness - Cleanliness - Mental

All these aspects are crucial to recovery.

4) Law and Order:

We are not the police nor does Homefree invite clients to counsel staff. Clients shall understand that staff position is to nurture and help clients grow in mind, body, and spirit.

5) The process of recovery is ever evolving. It involves growth, change, and learning to build healthy relationships.

6) Define rules staff will diligently hold.

7) All clients shall abide by local, county, and state laws. Sharing with Case Manager past criminal history (Probation, Parole, Court Ordered Judgements, etc.).